A few months ago my OpenEnergyMonitor stopped receiving input. I have an emonBase and many TH’s and TX’s. When this happened, I became busy and shutdown my emonBase and moved on to urgent tasks. I’m back now. I don’t recall if anything in particular triggered the change. My notes indicate that I did try to fix it by the emonCMS update and via apt update/upgrade. Neither helped.
As I debug now I see that emonHub is running because “top -c” shows:
971 emonhub 20 0 49620 16520 6456 S 3.9 1.7 2:19.52 python /usr/share/emonhub/emonhub.py --config-file /home/pi/data/emonhub.conf --logfile /var/log/emonhub/em+
The /var/log/emonhub/emonhub.log lists a continuous stream of the following and nothing else:
It looks to me like maybe the red light on the daughter board on the emonBase flashes each time an entry appears in this log file. I have a lot of TH’s and TX’s in the house. I suspect most of the TH’s are no longer running. There is an emonTH right next to the emonBase and it’s red LED flashes about every 58 seconds.
Could you share a bit more of the setup is please?
Where is EmonCMS hosted - locally on an RPi?
How was it installed? Self install or the SD card image from OEM?
Have you done an update of the database (on the admin screen)?
On the administration screen, to the right of the heading ‘Server Information’ you should see a ‘copy to clipboard’ button (depending on the version you are running). If it is there, please press that, then paste the result into a post here (no other formatting required).
The EmonCMS is hosted on the EmonBase in my house. It was installed from downloaded SD card image about a year ago. I think the last update (from the Admin screen) was on April 17th according to the emonpiupdate.log file.
That file also has the following line near the top of it:
Thanks Brian.
I’ve fixed the problem.
My hypothesis was that something on the RFM69 or between it and the emonhub was preventing the data that the RFM69 certainly was collecting (given the irregular red LED flashes) from reaching emonhub… given that the emonhub.log file listed pretty much nothing coming in. I further hypothesized that I must have just did an emonBase update just before the failure a few months ago and that that the updated software or some sort of problem during the update process might be responsible for this feed problem.
I was having trouble finding documentation for how I should debug this and was becoming impatient so I ran “emonBase Update” again, hoping that there had been a software update recently that would fix the problem or that updating would reset whatever went wrong with the last update. (But I was also fearing that this update would fail and also wipe away evidence of the original problem and cause you and I to start over debugging this.)
That update did cause a “Database error, you may need to run database update” login problem, but finding a community forum posting describing a fix to that was easy. And once my browser was logged in to emonCMS, I could see the feed data was again reaching emonCMS.
So I’m now back in business.
Thanks for your help through this. Is there a way I can give you some karma points?