I just noticed that docker emoncms alexjunk has stopped updating agile prices. It’s set to tariff agile 23-12-06 which I guess isn’t being updated by octopus?
Possibly related: Octopus Agile Tariff has Vanished
All price info has stopped working for me on Octopus agile app I have tried various tariffs and regions and just get flat lines - worked perfectly yesterday
From the link above it looks like Octopus stopped updating. Those using Alex’s emoncms need to wait until he updates the tariff selections with the new Agile ones I guess.
Apologies, should all be back up to date now
Hi Trystan, Do you maintain the Alexjunk docker container ?
In any case it’s work again - I guess Octopus started to update their data again.
Trystan does not maintain that container but I do
Anyway there is no problem with the container it should be somewhere else ? I guess Octopus is a web service
It was my fault, I have a cron task that runs every day and i had disabled it temporarily during recent development, it’s now back up and running
Ah ok, that explains a lot and Alex’s apparent confusion. I assumed it pulled the data directly from Octopus.