Add temp sensors to EmonHP

PS absolutely loving having the emonHP up and running, even if it’s just monitoring electricity for now.
Prior to emonHP, I’d have to read the LCD display on meter in heat pump (whose pulse outputs are not even connected) and enter into a spreadsheet. I also tried using a cheap DIN rail electricity meter which used its own proprietary phone app – great for seeing a crude, un-customisable graph, but wouldn’t allow me to download data.

The Simplest way (IMHO) is to use a WemosD1 (get a genuine one rather than a clone) and Tasmota (or ESPHome). Tasmota will handle 8 sensors. ESPHome is a better choice if you are using HomeAssistant.

I put together a small breakout board with sockets and added plugs to the DS18B20 probes so I could swap easily if necessary.

Out of curiosity, what hardware is inside the emonHP?

There’s a Raspberry Pi inside that aluminium case, with a small breakout board to access the ports from the outside.


Sorry, I’m afraid the RMF69Pi doest fit inside the emonHP enclosure.

However, the new RFM69CW direct to RasPi board that @TrystanLea has been working on should fit, this board is not yet in production, but we may have a few to spare. However, since we’re currently out of stock of emonTH this is not very useful, but will be in the future!

It’s also possible to connect a DS18B20 direct to the raspberryPi with the addition of a single resistor:

EmonHub has support for reading direct from DS18B20: emonhub/conf/interfacer_examples/DS18B20 at master · openenergymonitor/emonhub · GitHub

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thanks Glyn,
Given that all of this will be located within a 19" wall-mounted rack case with glass door, containing RJ45 patchbay, unmanaged switch, etc. then maybe that’s not an issue?
I’m happy to install a dedicated rack shelf for the OEM kit and interconnect myself.
What do you think?

BTW the tank and probes are ~10m from emonHP. Hence thinking hard-wired instead of RF. What would I need to add the same sort of extra (non-LAN) RJ45 to emonHP?

Thanks Brian, I wasn’t aware of those options but after a bit of Googling looks v interesting.

But first, I’d like to explore capability of emonHP before getting into a parallel system. Still learning here. Best, David

You can do the same as I suggested above, but just connect direct to the Pi.

I’d hard wire to the Pi (add the resistor there) to just outside the EmonHP and then fit a small connector at that point. I do this for any device I put together - you always want to unplug it for some reason!

You can then run a single wire to a breakout box of some form and then connect the Sensors to that.

OEM sell some RJ45 wired sensors - I usually buy sensors and connectors from Aliexpress and make them up myself as it is much cheaper, but I do have the pins and crimping tool etc.

Thanks Brian, Glyn,
Works perfectly.
Best, David

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I have replicated the emonHP setup that a friends has, including an emonTH. Somehow the temp data from his emonTH is getting into his emonHP feed instance and showing up on his graph, despite the warnings above. I can’t replicate this on my installation.

Yes, we have verified that it’s a true temperature reading!

Any ideas how this is happening and how I can replicate? I would really like to make use of the emonTH now that I have it.

Do you have the emonTH feed data in your Emoncms account? If so, it’s just a case of selecting the indoor temperature feed in MyHeatPump app config.

To be able to receive data from emonTH you need an RF receiver, either:


Do you have the emonTH feed data in your Emoncms account? If so, it’s just a case of selecting the indoor temperature feed in MyHeatPump app config.

The emonTH feed is not in my local emon configuration.

To be able to receive data from emonTH you need an RF receiver.

I guess I’ll have to get one. But it doesn’t explain my friends set up as he doesn’t seem to have either, unless he has the SPI module (but I don’t think this fits in the emonHP case). I’ll get him to look.

Correct, I’ve just checked your original order and your emonHP is not equipped with an RF receiver since there were no RF sensors included in your original order. Please contact us once your JeeLink is connected and we’ll setup the datalogging. RF modules are only included if an emonTH was included in the original order.

Because I’m also looking into the possibility of EmonTH sensors connecting to a EmonHP, @glyn.hudson can you confirm it is the RFM69SPI won’t fit within the enclosure but I could get a JeeLink dongle and this would allow me to receive from EmonTH?

How hard is it to set up the dongle, pair the sensors and get their data as inputs on my local EmonCms?

Yes, it will fit fine. We just recommend JeeLink since it’s easier to retrofit. Both require setup, we can do this for you.

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Is it possible to use a temperature sensor being used in Home assistant to report ‘room temperature’ to emonHP via emoncms? I’m new to this and my new emonHP is working fine but I’d like to add room temperature reporting.
I have looked at the emoncms ↔ HA integration instructions (editing config yaml file but haven’t succeded to get this to work yet). It’s probably me. I would love a youtube example video. Or more easily understood description that the H.E. examples.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.


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Is it possible to use a temperature sensor being used in Home assistant to report ‘room temperature’ to emonHP via emoncms? I’m new to this and my new emonHP is working fine but I’d like to add room temperature reporting.

Yes, it’s possible. This is a snippet of my configuration.

  api_key: 9xxx52f8cd702d2d4fxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  inputnode: 22
  scan_interval: 30
    -  sensor.bathroom_temp_xiaomi_temperature
    -  sensor.bed2_temp_aqara_temperature
    -  sensor.conservatory_temp_temperature
    -  sensor.dressing_room_temp_temperature
    -  sensor.en_suite_temp_xiaomi_temperature
    -  sensor.entrance_hall_temp_temperature
    -  sensor.fountain_ds18s20_1_temperature
    -  sensor.fountain_ds18s20_2_temperature
    -  sensor.gw2000a_outdoor_temperature
    -  sensor.hall_temp_xiaomi_temperature
    -  sensor.lr_temp_sonoff_temperature

Put in your read/write api key (found at the ‘input API help’ link on the emoncms input page.

Change the url address to that of your emonhp, choose the input node to suit you and the scan_interval to suit. Put your sensor names in the whitelist.

It’s YAML so the indentation is important, it won’t work if the indentation is wrong.

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Many thanks for that. I’ll give it a go. I’m learning YAML as I go and needs arise.
Peter J.