Add temp sensors to EmonHP


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Is it possible to use a temperature sensor being used in Home assistant to report ā€˜room temperatureā€™ to emonHP via emoncms? Iā€™m new to this and my new emonHP is working fine but Iā€™d like to add room temperature reporting.

Yes, itā€™s possible. This is a snippet of my configuration.

  api_key: 9xxx52f8cd702d2d4fxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  inputnode: 22
  scan_interval: 30
    -  sensor.bathroom_temp_xiaomi_temperature
    -  sensor.bed2_temp_aqara_temperature
    -  sensor.conservatory_temp_temperature
    -  sensor.dressing_room_temp_temperature
    -  sensor.en_suite_temp_xiaomi_temperature
    -  sensor.entrance_hall_temp_temperature
    -  sensor.fountain_ds18s20_1_temperature
    -  sensor.fountain_ds18s20_2_temperature
    -  sensor.gw2000a_outdoor_temperature
    -  sensor.hall_temp_xiaomi_temperature
    -  sensor.lr_temp_sonoff_temperature

Put in your read/write api key (found at the ā€˜input API helpā€™ link on the emoncms input page.

Change the url address to that of your emonhp, choose the input node to suit you and the scan_interval to suit. Put your sensor names in the whitelist.

Itā€™s YAML so the indentation is important, it wonā€™t work if the indentation is wrong.

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Many thanks for that. Iā€™ll give it a go. Iā€™m learning YAML as I go and needs arise.
Peter J.