After a few attempts at different options - I finally got a way to pull data about our solar PV generation into the EmonCMS.
We have a Solis Wifi Dongle plugged into the Inverter, which has been successfully sending data to their server in China, which I can access via their web dashboard, but I wanted it in the EmonCMS.
Option 1 - use our existing emonTX and a CT clamp - but as the live and neutral wire from the PV are housed in one cable, this would have required some rewiring which I’m not confident doing.
Option 2 - I found scripts that log into the ginlong website and pull data out - but this felt risky, and as it only logs every 6 mins the data would always be a bit old - plus if they changed their website it would break - or my account may get blocked from suspicious log in activity
Option 3 - the wifi dongle can send data to a 2nd server - I found some examples and gave it a half hearted attempt, but couldn’t get it working.
Option 4 - I finally found a very nice node.js script that can access the wifi dongle directly, and grabs the latest data off the dongle. I’m familiar with javascript and it was very easy to run this script. With a small addition to the code, it can send the power data directly to the emonCMS.
Main script: GitHub - fss/solis-inverter: A simple NodeJS application to read Solis PV inverter data using HTTP interface
This script has to be left running on a device on your local wifi network. As I didn’t want to leave the laptop on forever, and don’t have a Raspberry Pi, I actually got node.js running on an old spare android phone using an android app called ‘Termux’, and pulled the code onto the phone via git.
Happy to share more info if people are interested