I have a question about how the installation of a smart meter might impact my energy monitoring. I have resisted getting a smart meter, mainly for privacy reasons. However, I expect I will eventually be forced to have one. I’ve found a lot on this site related to smart meters, and hope someone can confirm my assumptions about getting a meter.
I use my own PIC mcu based monitors, with wireless transmission from the consumer unit in the garage through several walls to my PC. There the data goes into a database. There are two monitors communicating with the PC over the 868MHz and 915MHz wavebands.
I think the main problem I may suffer is interference from the smart meter. I’ve already had to solve this when I installed an EV charger in the garage, not far from the energy monitors. The charger kept blasting out 915MHz transmissions to any devices interested, even though there were no other devices. This was disrupting the monitor to PC communication. I eventually managed to disable this transmission.
Am I correct that any smart meter is likely to be transmitting on the 868 or 915MHz wavebands, and also that it’s unlikely I can disable these transmissions?
I have a burst mode diverter from my solar PV to an immersion heater. Am I correct I may get charged for some of the diverted power even though there is no net power imported?
My monitor also measures gas usage. Am I correct a smart gas monitor may not provide me with a means of recording gas used?
Are there any other implications of installing a smart meter I may have missed?
Thanks for any help anyone can give me.