I’ve been looking for one of these. Can you suggest one?
Good idea as it looks as if the live terminals are exposed. Is the Relay unit two modules wide? If so I will try and source a four module wide just in case I need to fit a contactor.
Is it possible for you to say if the Relay can connect to the Demand shaper application out of the box. I thought I read that the firmware needs changing to allow connection.
The dimensions of the relay are> width: 53.3mm, height: 90.2mm depth: 57.5mm
The relay is 53.3mm wide, a standard single DIN is 17.5mm so its 3x DIN modules wide. Getting a 4x wide enclosure would be a good idea with enough space at the top / bottom for a stuffing gland.
Sorry, I don’t have any suggestions. Let me know if you find a good one
Is this suitable for you?
There is other 2 but for rpi 3/4 boards.
See: JOY-IT Caixa de calha DIN para Raspberry Pi 4
This is just my local electronics shop. I am not doing any publicity to them. Feel free to delete my post if you decide its against the rules.
I bought two of the relays recently and put them in a cheap Viko enclosure bought online from the river people.
I’m controlling them via an MQTT python script which reads the temps from my thermal store and buffer store (which are on my emonhub) and decides which receives the power from the Eddi PV diverter by publishing to the relay control topic.
They are serially connected i.e. both 3kW immersion heaters on the NO outputs, NC on the first goes to C on the second so that only one NO can have power at any time.
I would say that enclosure would be a bit too tight. The Relay is 90.2mm tall and the enclosure is only 90mm tall, this won’t allow enough space for the cable connections and a stuffing glad.
How about: