Wifi issues with emonSD

[Moved here from Emoncms doesn't show the daily power graph anymore - #7 by Nico as it’s different issue.]

Hello @TrystanLea @pb66
I took the power off and start it back again. After rebooting the system is locally working properly, however is not able to connect to a wifi network anymore. It’s not seeing my home wifi network anymore. I tried in creating an hot spot with my mobile as well, but I wasn’t able to connect emonpi to the network. This is the log:

Thank you for your support

I think @glyn.hudson might be your best hope with wifi issues on an emonSD

Is this a stock/standard emonSD image? Have you made any modifications?

What version emonSD and emoncms?

I’m assuming your using a RaspberryPi 3?

WiFi has been very tried and tested running the standard emonSD image. Maybe try flashing the latest emonSD image to a fresh sd card just to test and eliminate hardware issues.

It’s a emonPi and a freshly downloaded emonSD image less than 10 days ago.

I’m using the prebuilt sd with emonpi


Same with the new oct2017 image freshly downloaded.
I think my wifi network is in a sort of black list.

Have you ever connected your Pi to a wifi network previously?

Are you using a hidden SSID? Does the emonPi WiFi scan show other networks? e.g try creating a smartphone hotspot to test.

Yes, the emonpi was connected to the WiFi for a long time before ​starting having issue with it.
​Then the emonpi was only working locally with the built in LCD but the emoncms was not working. Please see my previous post.
I downloaded the latest image trying to solve the issue and inserted it in the emonpi.
I set everthing up but I couldn’t connect it trough wifi, only ethernet cable.

Yes, with a newly created hot spot is working properly as well as with ethernet cable plugged from emonpi to the router.
Thank you @glyn.hudson for your support,

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I’m not using a hidden wifi.
Yes, the emonpi shows other wifi networks.

Perhaps during some trial I inserted the wrong password to my wifi. This was before changing the sd with a new one and freshly downloaded image.

I couldn’t change the password because my wifi is not listed anymore

Ciao @glyn.hudson, after one month of operation the problem still there.

With a freshly new sd image on emonpi, one month ago I changed the wifi ssid to a new one and this was enought to get everything back to work. After one month the issue appears again like before:

  • No more wifi SSID listed

  • It’s able to connect to a newly created hot spot

  • This time there was no wrong password attempt to suggest that the wifi SSID is in a sort of black list

I would like to avoid changing every month the wifi name because I shall connect again everything to it.
Do you have any suggestion? Am I the only one experiencing such problem?
thank you for your support,

Good morning @glyn.hudson Do you have any idea how to solve the wifi issue?

@pb66 Is it an already known problem?

thank you for your support,

Hello @Nico, How frustrating for you! I cant think what might be causing the issue, The behaviour you describe is not something Im aware of. We could try sending you a replacement unit to see if its a hardware issue. If you email our support email at [email protected] we can try and help further.

Oh dear this sounds very frustrating. This is the first time we have heard of this issue. It does sound like maybe it could be hardware related. I will arrange for a replacement unit. I have just replied to your support email.