WANTED: Broken/faulty Solar pv inverter

Has anyone got a broken or faulty solar PV inverter we could use as a static prop for a demo display board? The unit doesn’t need to switch on or have any functionality whatsoever, it just needs to look like a solar PV inverter! Happy to pay postage. Please p.m. thanks.

Would have thought there are a ton on ebay “sold for parts” or whatever?

Got a faulty Soladin 600 here, but shipping from .nl to .uk could become costy. Would be fun to have the led blinking on demo setup though.

I can’t seem to find any. At least not at a reasonable price.

Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind. I’ll see if I get on offer for one a bit more locally first. Cheers

I have 2 x Infinisolar 10kw 3 phase empties? I used the cover of one to modify it by installing a 10" LCD screen which then connects to our Raspberry pi solution that monitors the Voltronic range of inverters (check www.centurionsolar.co.za if you are interested). It came out quite nice, cause now you can have your system looking nice and pretty and have it monitored in the cloud all at the same time ;).

You are welcome to have the other one if you like? It would also ship from SA though, but hey, might be cheaper on transport than it would be to buy one there?

Thanks a lot for your offers, I’ve just picked up a faulty inverter from a local solar PV company. This is perfect for our demo board. The demo is for Fully Charged Live event, hopefully see some of you there?


We’re sorted thanks, but that’s really cool!