Vaillant heating and cooling zone

I think I have stumbled on the setting which had been stopping my heat pump from kicking in, even when I had it set for manual / Cooling for several days. There is a configuration for ESCO (External Supply Company) which was set to “Cooling Off”. I checked into what this setting is supposed to do and it suggests that a signal from either the external supply company or an external controller will cause the configured action (in this case Cooling Off). There isn’t an “Off” setting for ESCO, so I chose the one that seemed least likely to cause another problem - “Backup Heating Off”. Lo and behold, the pump kicked in immediately and the cooling started working.
I have no idea what signal from the supply company might be present or what external controller could be signaling, but that appeared to be the trigger stopping the pump kicking in.
I have asked my tech to review this signal source and advise whether changing this setting will affect some other heatiung function and will report that back once established.