Hi all,
I am grateful for advice/experience in relation to DHW flow temp overshooting.
It is something I noticed since we had the very cold weather back in January that sometimes the flow and return temps go way over the target.
I have a target of 45deg on Eco mode.
For example on Wed 12 Feb 8am the flow/return was 63/60. In the past I might see an overshoot of 3-5deg - nothing like i’ve had of late.
The other week I watched the DHW temp on the Vaillant app at same time as watching the OEM graph, and what was odd was just as the app said my DHW was approaching 45deg the temp would suddenly drop on app to say 38, then it would crank up again to 43deg and drop again.
Also some of the flow rates when the HP overshoots are wild (but not always, again see the highlighted date above)
Thank you for advice.
Unfortunately I have no confidence in the installer - they have rung me for advice in the past!!!
(NB If you look back further I was targeting a higher (I think 50deg) flow temp, but reduced this down in January to 45 in a bid to reduce massive overshoots)