It’s a bit of a quick hack, so there’s hard coded configuration embedded throughout, and I’ve modified a bit of that so you don’t try to connect to my emonPi , but this should be a good starting point.
The current crop of SDRs are very verstile devices. Did you notice that rtl_433
has direct support for the emonTx? There are well over 100 devices in the list of supported
hardware. emonTx is number 45.
Here’s a link to a Python app that’ll take your WH1080 data and draw lots of nice charts and graphs:
not sure anyone mentioned but there weewx-sdr driver which is what I use
plus other nice extensions to weewx weewx-belchertown – Nice webinterface for weewx- weewx-mqtt– MQTT publishing weewx-influxdb --which is what I use for long term data storage
oh okay was not sure if you were using the builtin drivers connected to via the weather device console by USB or the SDR driver as it was not mentioned…
well maybe in the chart you mention and it was part of that image .but there one image that is broken on my end and I can not see that …
also the mqtt format from weewx-mqtt works easily with my esp-TFT-graphing via MQTT just have to change the topic in it slightly ie: for ouside temp it would be weather/outTemp_F.