Using RobotDyn Uno + ESP board with EmonESP

I hav been reading through the previous thread (that forked to this one).

I wish to ask some basic questions about the firmware:
I take it that the EmonCMS is running in the 8266? If this is the case, can I still use a local RPi to aggragate & form the data so I can use the data management to use for other purposes? (Such as PHEV, controlling Air Conditioners, Hot Water heating, Battery, etc) I o not mind having data on Emon website, but also want it stored locally. I will be using 2 boards + Tx Sketches for my 2 phases (& if I get this working, no reason it could not be used in 3x for full 3 phase system).
I would like to move to the continuous monitoring model when available.

For anyone interested, I think the Arduino board I will be using will be fine for this application. it has 8Mbytes memory associated with the 8266. for a board that cost less than $Au12, it seems good value. (Makes an economical system with Tx Sketch.)
My RPi will be linked to the Wireless router also, so I will need to work out how to get everything talking reliably to each other (I guess by allocating permanent IP address to all)

must thank everyone for the help so far.
regards, Doug
ps: just to make you all jealous, my Solar system produced 54Kw today! Lovely, sunny Australia.