Have been searching for info about this. Have any changes been made to access SSH from Emonhub? Am wishing to use DS18B20 temperature sensors which appear to need a small amount of code inserted using SSH. Removing the pre-loaded Sd card would be a complete pain due to where the Pi is mounted (along with a packom hat for mbus connection) in an enclosure near the top of a wall. All very new to this so feeling my way in.
Hi @Peter_Randall, welcome to the community!
You can use up to 6 DS18B20 sensors connected via the RJ45 socket, as per the link below. (I use 6)
No code changes are required for up to 6, just a reboot.
Be careful to use the correct RJ45 socket as there is one on either end. One is for networking, the other for sensors.