Yup. I’m the “electrician” BTW, wiring it up myself. And it’s not likely, but it happens. And even if it’s not enough to trip one side, it can easily be enough to throw usage measurement off by a large amount. I’ll spend the extra $ to get an accurate measurement.
It’s a center-tapped transformer, and it’s possible to overheat one of the windings before the other. In any case, by “overload” I mean trip the breaker; and the breakers don’t add the current usage from both sides and average them, they measure them separately. Going over 100A usage on either side of a 100A two-pole combined breaker will trip the breaker.
Aaaand I’m getting confused, and being confusing. Sorry. I meant this device. Which, since I probably won’t be using the RF interface, I should probably just use pain Pis.
Thank you! I’ll keep them in mind. I was planning on buying the full devices and mounting them on a board.