Update from 9.9.5 to 10.1.6 some errors

I think your issue is that you are on a shared hosting environment so some of the info the Admin page pulls in, is not available or restricted. These are all fairly recent additions to the information available on the admin page.

@emrys - could you look at this? Perhaps some checks that catch the errors?

@TrystanLea - I said this before, but I think there needs to be something that tells EmonCMS what type of system it is installed on so things like this can be filtered out. I can think of 3 states initially - pi, unix-self, unix-shared which could go in as a setting perhaps.

I have raised a GitHub Issue

@gkobler, could you post a screenshot of the page with errors please?

I found an other error: Just open the users

With Version 9.9.5, i have no problems!

Yes, it is called improvements!

So the Emoncms log file error can be solved with a change to this setting in settings.php

$log_location = "/var/log/emoncms";

to a location the webserver can write to (I think).

the correct settings on my server are:

$log_location = "/var/www/vhosts/mydomain.ch/mysubdomain.mydomain.ch/var/log/emoncms";

otherwise i got may errors on the page!

Ok great.

Yes they will take a bit of time to fix but they will not affect the software operating (I think).

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Thanks @gkobler @borpin noted the issue created in the emoncms repo.


Is there are a newer version, where solve the issues? Thanks


Have you pulled in the latest version?

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Yes if you could try the latest version @gkobler that would be great. Im not sure that it will solve all the issues but if you could copy here all the errors that you see again for the latest version, including line numbers etc that would be really useful.

Please download/use the emoncms master branch, so that you have all the latest changes.

Hello @TrystanLea, i have downloaded the version 10.1.13 and was a little confused of the settings files. Should i setup “settings.ini” or “settings.php”. But in the “settings.php” there are a remarke “Do not edit”!!

I tried to setup both files, but when i download all the files to my hoster, and call the url i got an empty page! No errors are appears or something.

Do you mean you have updated to this version (as per the thread title) or that you have started afresh with that version - it does make a difference.

@borpin I have download it to my PC, then modified the settings and deleted all the files instead of the collected data at my webhoster. Then i upload the new files to my webhoster. I hope my step are correct, or are there an other easyer way to update at my webhoster?

Ok, yes shared hosting environments are a pain.

For settings, use the pair of ini files rather than php files. Leave the default-settings ini file alone and copy the example-settings ini file to settings.ini and modify the settings you need to change in that.


@borpin, @TrystanLea thanks for your support. Now i have installed version 10.2.0, made the settings in the settings.ini file were are a copy of example-settings.ini.

Now the most error messages are gone. just a few left, since version 10.1.6
When i press the “Admin” button at the left

I got the follow error, instead of the login form.

then i have to press the login button at the top right
Just after this steps, i got the login form to logg me in!

After logged in, and pressing the Admin button again, i got the follow screen.

Needing to log in is an expected event. The session does time out.

Not sure why you get this.


You can click here (not obvious it is a link).


The errors - these are all because this is a vhost and the system is designed for an RPi.

file_exists() - A similar error was seen here Need help with first Emoncms setup on synology diskstation - #34 by borpin which resulted in this PR Include file_exists check in try catch block · Issue #1494 · emoncms/emoncms · GitHub.

I think this is why you see it as a Warning (it can be ignored).

The second error (re memory)

@emrys there are several of these system info elements that only work on certain installations. Can we try and handle these more cleanly?

When i click at the link, the loggin form apears.

The message
apears only when im not logged in!

there are an other warning message:

This happens when i click to the button “Users”, to see a list of all registered users. But there are not showing any users

Thankyou for the updated error screenshots @gkobler

Do you have a home directory on your shared hosting service?

Could you add to settings.ini file paths for the following that are valid locations on your server:

; Suggested installation path for symlinked emoncms modules /opt/emoncms/modules
emoncms_dir = "/opt/emoncms"
; Suggested installation path for emonpi and EmonScripts repository:
openenergymonitor_dir = "/opt/openenergymonitor"

e.g: /home/username/emoncms and /home/username/openenergymonitor

you will need to create the emoncms and openenergymonitor directories in the location of your choice and specified in these path names

@TrystanLea Now it works without any errors.

Thanks for you support

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