Unusual behaviour between Shaper/Solar Divert modes version 5.1.0

Now that good weather is here, Starting to produce enough that we want to charge car from solar.

I generally run with 2 different MQTT feeds, One for my grid input for the shaper and a modified one (eg to allow a certain amount of export/house battery charging etc)

In self production if the mode is set to Export, the solar divert doesnt work if the Feed is different to the shaper feed. It says its getting updates, but the Grid +Import/-Export: value doesnt change.
(possibly being updated by the shaper?)

So in the meantime, i changed it to production and flipped the ± of the feed, and that worked until I went to charge the car on night rate. Didnt notice until this morning but I would then have been feeding the production a negative number which made the shaper hunt a lot over night

Pilot graph:

Are the export mode feed in the solar divert and the shaper feed meant to be somewhat linked? Of course I could generate a feed that combines everything, But having the UI have 2 places to put the grid feed is somewhat redundant and possibly confusing for an end user.