Unit of power field

I’m connect to mqtt service and see the follow parameters:
emon/emontx3/power1 0
emon/emontx3/power2 2517
emon/emontx3/power3 0
emon/emontx3/power4 0
emon/emontx3/vrms 259.59
emon/emontx3/temp1 300
emon/emontx3/temp2 300
emon/emontx3/temp3 300
emon/emontx3/temp4 300
emon/emontx3/temp5 300
emon/emontx3/temp6 300
emon/emontx3/pulse 0
emon/emontx3/rssi -28

Which is the unit for any power field and I can convert in W or hWh?
Thanks in advance

Hello @fba, The units for the power field are in Watts. You can convert to a cumulative kWh feed using the power_to_kwh process in emoncms. Are you using emoncms?

Thanks @TrystanLea,
in this moment I’m not using the emoncms because I wanted to read the value directly.
I will try both solutions.
For use the emoncms I must create a log to feed like 1° step and Power to kWh like 2° step?
In this way I have the consume instant time?