to upgrade emoncms

Dumb question alert, sorry.

Home Assistant is telling me I now need to be on at least v11.5.7 (related to needing a unique identifier). Looks like I’m on v11.4.5

But when I click on ‘Update Emoncms’, it tells me ‘Already up to date. emonHP image 20Nov23 cannot be updated’.

Any suggestions welcomed. Sorry in advance for my idiocy.

Good question!

Some of the early emonHP units had a custom SD card image version set on the boot partition and that must be blocking the update. As the emonHP is a remotely managed product do you want me to look at this for you? If you could PM me with your order details that will help me find it.

Alternatively, You should be able to SSH into the emonHP using the emonSD-20Nov23 credentials here emonSD Download — OpenEnergyMonitor 0.0.1 documentation and then from there do a manual update of emoncms:

cd /var/www/emoncms
git pull
php /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts/common/emoncmsdbupdate.php
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Many thanks Trystan, dropped you a PM

Hello @mpcowley apologies, I cant seem to find your PM?

Hmmm, strange. Have archived it and sent a new one, hopefully you can see this one now?

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Yes thanks!