If I enter the URL for my Dashboard on my main Linux PC, in a new broswer TAB
Everything works fine and displays without issue…
If I enter the same URL on my mickey-mouse Win10 PC to view the dashboard,… ( no emoncms login present )
I get
2024-12-29 16:20:05.-418|WARN|index.php|406 Not Acceptable|dashboard/view/house-stats
warning message in the log window, as also seen on my Linux admin emoncms login, in the admin-> logs display
I have found some references to installing the graphics module in order to display dashboards,… is this still the case ?.. as disk space in the Win10 m/c is restricted, and I dont understand why I need a module downloaded locally for windows to work, when I have not done this for my Linux m/c https://community.openenergymonitor.org/t/upgrade-from-10-1-3-to-10-2-3-getting-406-not-acceptable-when-accessing-feed-views/14783/6
Slightly confused,Many tx
I think i have encountered something like this before. Have you logged into emoncms on the Linux machine previously? The url you are using references the dashboard by name which has to be looked up (requiring being logged in) before it can be displayed.
Try using the dashboard id in the url instead, for example: http://<ip_address>/dashboard/view?id=15
Hi tx for your pointer,… but the penny has dropped for me,…
The reason the Linux m/c dashboard works is because there is another emoncms admin window open in another tab,… if emoncms has timed out the dashboard URI, also does not work…
But once logged into emoncms admin interface,… dashboard URI work…
I did wonder a little as there is no “read key”,… or other effective security,…
Question to the team maybe,… is there an option to use dashboards as just as read only apps,… or have I got the wrong end of the stick for how to use dashboards?
That’s the little secret I was missing,…
Initally not all my graphs were displayed,… but figured this was something to do with ‘feeds’ and what is /was public.
Found the edit option for individual feeds,… to make each one public,… and now my Win10 pc will display my dashboards, without the necessity for there to be a logged in user.
Many tx Guys