Troubleshooting DHW schedule


We’ve a Samsung12 kw ASHP with wired controller and a wireless Honeywell Home thermostat/CH controller. Had it coming on 3 years so believe its what called 6th Gen?. Haven’t played with the controller / FSVs at all. Installer said best left alone and controller is (unhelpfully) tucked away in the attic.

Weve shifted to Octopus Cosy so wanting to schedule DHW for between 4-7am only.

I added two schedules per your video – on at 4, off at 7am.

And yet, immediately after a shower, the HP appears to fire up to heat the water. Thoughts:

  1. The Honeywell has no DHW function. Even so – could it be overriding any schedules programmed into the Samsung wireless controller?
  2. What happens when the schedule and FSV 3023 clash? Ie assume its out of schedule time and tank temp drops by 5 (default setting). Should the DHW fire if the schedule say no? Which takes precedent I wonder. Reducing FSV 3023 to 10 degrees below tank might get around the issue – ie avoid the clash of conditions (schedule v tank drop) but still unclear which condition take priority.
  3. Noticed that DHW Priority is on and think that’s fine – believe it just applies to where there is dual demand for CH and DHW – and DHW will win.
  4. Also noticed that there is not option to set any weekly schedules on CH - likely because of the existence of HoneyWell Home controller. Assume that being there the onboard scheduler in the Samsung wired controller somehow deactivated.

Since typing i have dropped FSV 3023 to 10 below tank and the DHW is now NOT firing instantly, but ive no idea if its the FSV 3023 value causing this, or the schedule…again, which takes priority?
