Troubleshoot error in log


Looking for some guidance on troubleshooting a repeating error in the emonpi log:

2021-05-23 15:06:43.161|WARN|index.php|406 Not Acceptable|feed/timevalue
2021-05-23 15:07:04.293|WARN|index.php|406 Not Acceptable|feed/timevalue
2021-05-23 15:07:12.715|WARN|index.php|406 Not Acceptable|feed/timevalue

How can I get more info on this?


I’d guess you are trying to send data with an incorrectly formatted time value.

Is the debug level set to debug? If not set it in the settings.ini file.

Isn’t that what [WARN] indicates? i.e. that it’s not currently set to DEBUG.

No, just that the message is a warning. There is no guarantee that there are any debug messages, but there probably are.

Thanks but settings.ini does not seem to have a debug log level:

; Log Level: 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR

Error level does not show any new details. I’m not also to my knowledge deliberately trying to send any date time into mqtt. Setup is quite simple with just an emonpi and one emontx.

Sorry, use INFO (1). I expect it is set to 2 currently.

Ah OK (more info at the start is useful - our crystal balls are pretty cloudy).

Is the time on the EmonPi correct?

Thanks all,

I did get to the bottom of this just now - it was a browser on another machine open on one of my dashboards - the login credentials had expired - hence the http 406 error. Not quite the http error I’d have expected :neutral_face:

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No, expired sessions can be a pain.