The worlds easiest Octopus heat pump install

Yet many people still think it is OK to use copper pipes outside. While this continues, all external heatpump pipework will be at risks, as the pipes will be ripped from wall before checking if they are copper.

It’s not limited to pipes. Here are linesmen up poles replacing the 240 V supply to a farm in Ayrshire after the cable was stolen overnight. They left the cable on the 3.3 kV side of the transformer - I’ve no idea why. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: The replacement was aluminium, obviously.

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Many people think it’s ok to put heat pumps outside. :wink:

It’s only a matter of time before the nice units begin getting lifted.

All of us with Daikins will be OK then! :slight_smile:


There is an industry enabling trades people to convert copper offcuts to cash, the metals in most heatpumps have a lower value and much harder to convert a van fall of scrap heatpumps into cash.


I should imagine they’d be resold as is or for spares.

Some people steal AC condensers for scrap though.

We’ll find out in due course!


I spoke to the surveyor ahead of his visit, lovely chap, long-time gas engineer who has just finished elements of the DEA training pathway; probably a very good time to get into the Level 3 DEA route! A good sign that OES is training this people to this level.

In any case, separately my request got elevated to a manager who has spoken directly to marketing… Survey now rescheduled!

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Have heard nothing since :joy:

Great news! Head of Consumer PR has got in touch, looks like Octopus want to do it in principle. Hopefully we will get level 3 monitoring on the bigger cosy.


Survey is back on for 27th. PR in attendance! Any questions for them?

Are they interested in installing OEM with the install (they have done this previously with Daikin installs) and publishing the independent data to

If not, why not?


Why don’t you offer your customers a decent heat pump that they might actually want?

Why do you assume that all your customer wants is cheap?

All I want is cheap so we are well aligned there :joy:


You don’t actually want `any questions for them’?

They were my questions I wanted answered.

Where will we see these questions and answers?

Youtube I assume?

Ok I will ask them, yes YouTube. :joy:

You don’t need to for my benefit.

I already have one of their `not so cheap in reality’ installations.

And, I won’t be watching your video, sorry.

The last thing we need is more Octopus heat pump install videos, in my opinion, it has been done to death and they are all the same.

Good luck though.