Supercal 5 Temp Sensors readings don't match

I have new Sontex Supercal 5 heat meter from OEM, just powered it on for first time. The readings of the two sensors don’t match at all. With both sensors stable at around Rm Temp, and side by side, they read 9.8 and 17.3degC (delta -7.5deg, with the red sensor reading lower)! Side by side in a 40degC temp bath, the red sensor reads ~25degC (while blue reads ~40degC)!! At low temps around 5degC, they also show several deg discrepancy. Meter front panel shows does not indicate any error message, and meter temp readings are similar to the graphed data on emoncms. Am I doing something wrong, or is there an issue with these sensors?? (The Supercal 5 was preprovisioned by OEM. My two emonTH sensors give accurate values.)

That sounds like faulty/damaged probes - these can be replaced as factory matched pairs

That doesn’t sound right at all! They should be calibrated pairs. Could you check the sensors are connected correctly inside the Supercal? Could you post a photo?

This was resolved. It turns out one wire of temp sensor in SuperCal was miswired into one of the 4 point probe contacts, not the correct 2 point probe contact. Oddly it came shipped this way. I rewired it, problem fixed, proper temp reading achieved.

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