STM32duino+emonlib - strange behavior

I received the first of my SCT-013-000’s today and it might be another week before the Arduino shield and EmonTx V3 arrives. So I built the circuit as per the docs, firstly for a Nano and then a Leonardo.

I used a 99 Ohm and 47 Ohm resistor in parallel for the burden resistor as I don’t have anything close to 33 Ohm. Online calcs show this should be 31.7 Ohm and I measured it at 31.9 so pretty close. I am using 470K bias pair and not using the OEM adaptor yet but will add that later.

Used the calibration as shown above by @mel from the docs and the results without the CT connected and 5V from the Arduino:

Nano: approx 12 amps !!!
Leonardo: approx 6 amps!!!

Any idea where I am going wrong?

That looks better:

11.75 0.05
11.30 0.05
10.65 0.04
9.23 0.04
9.02 0.04
9.58 0.04
13.37 0.06
12.56 0.05
9.22 0.04
10.84 0.05
9.02 0.04
10.83 0.05
11.81 0.05
11.46 0.05
9.79 0.04
9.79 0.04
7.22 0.03
10.65 0.04
7.27 0.03
7.26 0.03

Note to self: don’t forget what hacks you did in the library.

Do you have an actual current draw of around 1.2A?

You should never need to change anything inside the library. It should be possible to adjust everything that you must to cater for most normal situations by using the ‘setter’ methods.

Yes, 30 - 50 mA is the sort of number we usually see with ‘breadboard’ builds. The emonTx can get a bit lower, due to a careful pcb layout.

I thought @mel said he had no input connected.
He could have a ‘noisy’ electrolytic capacitor - unlikely, but they’re not unknown.

I did some crazy stuff when I was using the library just for OEM AC - AC and random numbers for current.

I don’t think he has indicated either way, just CT connected and not connected.

Actually my results are not as good as they appeared in Serial Monitor. I was hooked up to 3.3V, 5.0V gives me 150mA. Bad procedure somewhere by me?

Or a bad power supply.

OK I’ll hook up the OEM AC - AC tomorrow, thanks.

@GeorgeB & @mel

See ARCHIVE: : Not all USB power supplies are created the same
Noise in Arduino based builds. | Archived Forum

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@Robert.Wall I think I read somewhere that 3.3V from the Arduino is more stable than the 5.0V so I might check the calibration for that.

I’m running from a laptop and I think the USB is pretty stable.

Failing that at 5V can I add a further calibration as:

Irms = Irms - 0.135;

Guys, I found where was part of my problem. Thanks to @Robert.Wall
I added ceramic capacitor and result still floating. Than I checked all connections and found bad contact.

Now results are much better


This is with connected CT sensor and without load.

@Robert.Wall is right by now all my tests are done without load. That is why I’m expecting to see 0 in the result.

I was going to say almost exactly the same as me but I notice you are using 3.3V.

I’ve noticed that this deviation is present everywhere:
on arduino and 5v power supply
on stm32 and 3.3v power supply
In addition other people has the same deviation. It seems to be stable - around 0.15 ±noise
Where it comes from? How to reduce it? Currently I’m reducing it with correction like @GeorgeB showed.

if (Irms0<k) {i0 = 0;} else {i0 = (Irms0-k)*v;}

where is k is a correction coefficient. In my case it is equals 0.18

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You started a parallel thread How to enable 12bit for STM32F103
that logically continues from the beginning part of this one. Separating this across two threads will waste everyone’s time.

What you need to do is determine whether __arm__ or anything else that indicates that you have a 12-bit ADC is set, then use that to switch ADC_BITS from 10 to 12. What you appear to have done will cause bad results for any sketch you compile for a 10-bit ADC. Do not forget that the same library is used in every sketch, unless you fork your own version, which you keep just for the STM board. And if you do that, you can leave out the test for __arm__ and simply write #define ADC_BITS 12

Robert thank you for support

Do know by chance where arm parameter is defined?

#if defined(__arm__)
#define ADC_BITS    12

Logically it should be defined some where in the board or processor config.
I checked, but for the first glance I couldn’t identify this parameter.


@mel it’s at line 259 of EmonLib.cpp

I’m not sure. In that part

  #if defined(__AVR__)
  delay(2);                                        // Wait for Vref to settle
  ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC);                             // Convert
  while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));
  result = ADCL;
  result |= ADCH<<8;
  result = READVCC_CALIBRATION_CONST / result;  //1100mV*1024 ADC steps
  return result;
  #elif defined(__arm__)
  return (3300);                                  //Arduino Due
  return (3300);                                  //Guess that other un-supported architectures will be running a 3.3V!

three cases: for AVR, arm and other processor types.

But this types must be defined somewhere.

AFAIK it’s part of the Arduino IDE compiler. Take a look at this Arduino forum post Identifying Due in Libraries - Arduino Due - Arduino Forum

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Is __arm__ set for you? Print it and see. In setup for your sketch, put

Serial.println("__arm__ is defined");

If it says it is, then you should be OK. If not, then the safest solution for you, unless you can find something set by your choice of board in the IDE, is what I wrote in post 18 above.

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Code that works for me

 #if defined (__arm__)
Serial.println("__arm__ is defined");

Result is positive

__arm__ is defined

Seems that processor is detected as arm, which means that library works in 12bit mode.

@Robert.Wall and @GeorgeB thank you for your support

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