Split phase process power1pluspower2

I am curious - was the date correct when running the date command or the sudo raspi-config command?

In the My Electric screen, click on the Spanner/Wrench and send a screen shot of that screen.

(I am running out of ideas and will probably need to bring in the experts!)

You can access trought my pc with teamviewer 10.

Is the Feeds page still updating OK? or are there big holes in the data?

If this is still OK then I’ve run out of ideas. I know there is a app or function that needs to run for 24 hours before displaying data. I don’t believe it is the My Electric app but it might be.

Im still with the problem, better if you access my computer please.

use_total_kwh is in 1.X:

Sorry to see your still having trouble. Let’s see if we can view the KWh data via vis viewer.

In local Emoncms choose > Extra > Visulazatrion > then select Bar Graph

Select your feeds and apply the following options. Delta = On is important

You should see daily kwh data like:

See full instructions of how to view and log Kw/hr data: http://guide.openenergymonitor.org/setup/daily-kwh/

If the clock was out (by nearly 6 years) when the feeds were first created then although the feeds appear to update on the feeds table (data in redis/sql) the data will not be persisted or retrievable from the actual feeds (PHPfina).

You need to establish if those “older than feed starttime” faults are still occurring, if they are, you have little choice but to delete the feeds and recreate them (or wait 6 years for it to start working)

Once you get the data being saved to the feeds correctly you will have to wait for some data to collate before the MyElectric app will work fully, I cannot recall whether you need >24hrs data, or need to wait until after midnight to get a starting value for the current day, but it will not usually work instantly.

During the first 24hrs you can regularly (but not too often so as to recognize a change) check the feed size is increasing by using the “refresh feed size” on the feeds page.

If the times are now correct, that error is no longer being logged and the feed sizes are increasing, you should see the MyElectric app work fully and correctly within a day or so. Observing the graph as suggested by Glyn will also give a good indication as that may function before the MyElectric app, but will still need some data for them to work correctly.

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Good morning gentlemen, yesterday I stop checking this isse with so much faith thinking that the solution is just thing of the counter to be increased. Today I access and finally and USED TODAY is displaying values:

Thank you for your continuous support and attention, the following for my project is to add more phases, so I see I need more hardware.

I really like your product congratulations.

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Thanks @Paul, well spotted. I had not realised this was a new (less than 24hr) system.

This is a known bug in MyElectric, I have reported it a few months ago. Hopefully, it will be an easy fix when @TrystanLea gets a chance to look Kwh Use displays zero until first 24hrs has past · Issue #15 · emoncms/app · GitHub