Space Heating / Hot Water Heating Breakdown

Hi Justin,

+1 that you should take a look at Removing Air from Heating Systems

My Octopus install has 4 or 5 air release valves in the HP primary pipework. Open up the air release stoppers in these valves and when the system runs, any trapped air should escape until the float valve closes. The trapped air seems to prevent the heatmeter from registering heat flow (as well as lowering the efficiency of the HP).

My install uses a 3-way valve which is actuated by an ESBE ARA655 motor. This actuator can’t be monitored using a c.t., but it can be by wiring the optoisolator sensor that OEM recently supplied to me across the switched live input. So, I’m saying to inform OEM the make and model of your valve actuator when ordering parts. The c.t. or optoisolator can plug directly into an emonPi2, if that’s the datalogger in the emonHP kit you have.

The c.t. solution is discussed in this recent topic.

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