Serial-Direct connection between Pi and emonTx shield

Found now. Hyphenation is comming from this - probably old - article:

Thanks for letting us know, it is now corrected :slight_smile:

I’ve managed now to get inputs from TXShield via Arduino and USB to raspiPi.
The ‘clue’ was in the emonhub.conf.
I replaced ‘Type=JeeInterfacer’ with ‘EmonHubSerialInterfacer’ and commenteted ‘Group’, ‘frequency’ and ‘baseid’ out.
Replaced ‘/dev/ttyAMA0’ with ‘/dev/ttyACM0’ as we got to know from
sudo ls -la /dev/{tty{ACM,AMAS,USB},serial}*
With emonhub like this:

    Type = EmonHubSerialInterfacer
        com_port = /dev/ttyACM0
        com_baud = 9600
#        group = 210
#        frequency = 433
#        baseid = 15

I get now timesiries in my own emoncms db.

Next step is to get them populized and visualisied in
Thank you All, again.

It works also for :slight_smile:
There is the only work remaining how to manage inputs and feeds, charts etc. in the webapp.
Is there a description somewhere?