I’ve managed to split mine as I have a CT clamp on my heat pump controller. In essence, this is the boolean indicator for my system. yes/no, heating/DHW.
The Vaillant heat pump controller normally only draws 1 to 10W in normal operation, but when doing a DHW run it drives a pump connected to my Mixergy cylinder.
So when watts are greater than 20W I know i’m doing hot water, so I record electric in and heat out to separate feeds. That way I can create a DHW only heatpump app.
Note: this method would not be usable for anyone with a standard coil cylinder attached to a Vaillant.
Then on my normal heat meter power feeds I also subtract the DHW only figures to give heat only feeds.
Again, I create another Heatpump app just with the heating only feeds.
Finally, do similar for the power recorded via the SDM meter.
So I’ve got 3 Heatpump apps
- Normal combined heating and DHW
- DHW only
- Heating only.
This all came about via magic from @glyn.hudson and @TrystanLea