For over a year now we’ve been including sandisk industrial grade SD cards in all emonPi, emonBase and emonSD units. We’ve not had a single reported issue.
As mentioned on the bottom of this thread, thanks to @wjcroft it’s possible to monitor the health of these cards:
This post is to document how to do this:
Connect via SSH then download sdmon:
curl -L | tar zxf -
then run sdmon:
sudo ./sdmon /dev/mmcblk0
this should give you an output like this
"version": "v0.4.1-3 (63a79fd) armv7",
"date": "2022-08-11T02:05:07.000Z",
"addTime": "false",
"signature":"0x44 0x53",
"manufactureYYMMDD": "210712",
"healthStatusPercentUsed": 1,
"featureRevision": "0x1f",
"generationIdentifier": 5,
"productString": "SanDisk ",
This particular card which has been in heavy use for over a year is at 99% health.
In future releases of emonSD we could look at making this metric display on the Emoncms admin page.
sdmon can only read health data from certain industrial SD cards:
- Apacer Industrial SD Cards, and some others from branded distributors
- Kingston Industrial SD Cards (SDCIT/32GB and the SDCIT2/32GB where reported to work with the -a option, see Issue #6)
- SanDisk Industrial SD Cards (code contributed by William Croft)
Here’s the sdmon repo: