Samsung Gen 6 Quiet Mode

I’ve had a Gen 6 8kw pump installed for just over a year now, but only really got my head round running it properly the last few weeks. Currently have it set as a fixed flow temp of 35 degrees running 24hrs a day. Normally it draws around 0.5kw. However, recently I set up the quiet mode in the schedule, and noticed that when quite mode is activated the flow rate increase up to around 48 degrees, the draw jumps to 1.8kw and the noise from the outdoor unit increases. Which is the exact opposite to what I’d expect from quiet mode.

Anyone have any similar problems? Maybe I’ve got a problem with the field settings somewhere? Any idea to how to fix this, maybe a factory reset of all settings?


I believe quiet mode should limit the maximum output of the compressor.

I’ve only experimented with quiet mode briefly for central heating, and observed quite confusing results. At least on my heat pump (5kW Gen6) enabling quiet mode resulted in rapid cycling and higher current draw, lower COP and more noise! Based upon this observation, I would not recommend using quiet mode for central heating.

Interested to hear your observations.

Quiet mode seems to work as expected for DHW, it limited maximum compressor output, the DHW cycle took longer, COP was slightly improved and noise was reduced, although my Gen6 unit is quiet anyway.

Thanks Glyn

Firstly I was really struggling with my Heat pump until I came across you Youtube videos, they really helped me get my head round operating a heat pump. Up until then I was pulling my hair out with really expensive electricity bills.

Sounds to me like quiet mode isn’t worth playing with, particularly with heating since I leave the heating on 24 hours. Thanks for the help.

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I was interested to read this discussion.

I have a 12kW Samsung gen 6. My DHW cycle normally peaks at ~4.5kW input power. We have just had a 3kW solar array installed, so today I tried running the DHW cycle in quiet mode to see if I could limit drawn power such that it would be largely covered by solar.

The power draw ramped up over the DHW heating cycle, staring at around 1.4kW and peaking at 3.3kW (around 73% peak power compared to quiet mode off). For most of the run, other than the last few mins it was below 3kW meaning most of the DHW heating cycle was covered by solar. Result - I shall be running in quiet mode over summer and manually running a DHW cycle when the sun is out.

Sorry, no monitoring charts to show, just observations on the Samsung controller and my smart meter display unit.

There are supposed to be four levels of quiet mode; does anyone know how to change them?

Hi Michal,
You have to set them in the Outdoor Unit.
Look at the Samsung EHS Installer Reference Guide/System Configuration (p121) for using the LED display.
For quiet mode you have to set the segments to 0/3/0/x where x (0-3) gives you your desired quiet level.
The compressor speed reductions at each level are shown in Table 2-10 in the Samsung EHS Technical Data Book.
Both references can be found on the Midsummer Wholesale website.

Thanks, Sarah The fact that it is advertised as a feature but is not available from the panel is glaring. It appears that I was looking in the incorrect book, thanks again. Looks like the lowest setting is setup as default.

Correct. BTW in my experience, quiet mode doesn’t save much energy in the long run (maybe a little when heating DHW because LWT is lower). Mainly you might use it to avoid annoying your neighbours at night…