Roving Networks RN-XV WiFly to EmonCMS

Hi, I’ve finally got the SIM900 talking to EmonCMS so I thought I would do the same for the WiFly module :slight_smile: Again I’m following the application notes and failing :frowning: Does anyone have any experience with this WiFi module and might be able to provide the Serial commands to do a GET ---- HTTP/1.0 to EmonCMS? I’m connected to the internet fine and have upgrade the firmware… these are the commands I’m using with the correct CR/LF etc but getting Error 400:

set ip proto 18
set dns name
set ip address 0
set ip remote 80
set com remote 0
open 80
GET /emoncms/input/post.json?json={power:200}&apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.0

OK, this is working but not well tested!

The all important control characters are: CR Carriage Return (\r) & LF Line Feed (\n).

delay (500)
set ip proto 18
set dns name
set ip address 0
set ip remote 80
set com remote 0
open 80
GET /emoncms/input/post.json?json={power:200}&apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1
(CR + LF)
Connection: close
(CR + LF)

Even shorter also works :slight_smile:
delay (500)
set ip proto 18
open 80
GET /emoncms/input/post.json?json={power:200}&apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1

Yeah I did use the module many years ago, here’s the code. It might need updating etc: