Which, was working for couple of years until I had to reboot the system yesterday and since lost all input feeds? As the EmonHub is stopped. I looked at the Serial feed and got this back in the console.
This means that the specification for the message in emonhub.conf doesn’t fit the data stream that’s arriving. 10 ‘h’ @ 2 bytes + 1 ‘L’ @ 4 bytes isn’t the same as the 36 bytes coming in. 24 bytes is the number for a standard emonPi sketch, as far as I know. The software for the emonPiCM sends 32 bytes, so it isn’t that either.
My guesses are you’ve overwritten your old, working, emonhub.conf; or you’ve got a new sketch in Node 5 - which is normally the emonPi analogue front end.
Now I don’t have a message of 36 bytes on my crib sheet of radio messages, so I don’t know where it’s coming from.