Reboot and EmonHub complaints formatting errors

Hi All,

EMONPI setup on PI W Zero on with your board & PSU for feed to board. The Solar 2 setup with setup as on diagram.

Emoncms Core v11.2.9 | App v2.6.8 | EmonHub Config v2.1.5 | Dashboard v2.3.3 | Device v2.2.2 | Graph v2.2.3 | Network Setup v1.0.2 | WiFi v2.1.1 | Backup v2.3.2 | DemandShaper v2.2.2 | Postprocess v2.2.7 | Sync v2.1.4 | Usefulscripts v2.3.10 | EmonScripts v1.5.14 | RFM2Pi v1.4.1 | Emonhub v2.5.2 | EmonPi v2.9.5

Which, was working for couple of years until I had to reboot the system yesterday and since lost all input feeds? As the EmonHub is stopped. I looked at the Serial feed and got this back in the console.

OK 5 64 1 214 0 22 2 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 170 2 0 29 93 0 0 (-0)

So, it seems that I haven’t killed the daughter board.

However, I’m getting an error on as below;

2022-12-24 11:33:36,167 WARNING  RFM2Pi     14 RX data length: 36 is not valid for datacodes ['h', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'L']

I don’t know what I touched?

It’s obviously not happy with the input string. Not certain how to fix this issue? Do I need to reflash the firmware? Help please!


EmonPi is a specific piece of hardware.

Do you mean an emonSD on a PiZero (so emoncms and emonhub)?

Do you mean the OEM RFM board?

Why is it stopped or do you mean you stopped it to read the serial data?

Try a full update, but check the update log for errors.

The error was in the message?

Versions were current?

Firmware is not loaded on F/Update

Did that and nothing has changed. :thinking:

Anyone else got any ideas?

When in the stream in Minicom I press ‘v’ and this comes back ‘emonPi CM V1.0.0’ it’s working but sending more values than is expected back?

@Robert.Wall any ideas?

What is this daughter board you refer to?

This means that the specification for the message in emonhub.conf doesn’t fit the data stream that’s arriving. 10 ‘h’ @ 2 bytes + 1 ‘L’ @ 4 bytes isn’t the same as the 36 bytes coming in. 24 bytes is the number for a standard emonPi sketch, as far as I know. The software for the emonPiCM sends 32 bytes, so it isn’t that either.

My guesses are you’ve overwritten your old, working, emonhub.conf; or you’ve got a new sketch in Node 5 - which is normally the emonPi analogue front end.

Now I don’t have a message of 36 bytes on my crib sheet of radio messages, so I don’t know where it’s coming from.