I recently stumbled across a very nice readout head for smart meters that can send data directly via wifi with an ESP running Tasmota:
Tasmota offers a smart meter interface for this purpose, which in combination with scripts allows the connection of almost any smart meter: Smart Meter Interface - Tasmota
In my case, I can use it to read out the total grid consumption, feed-in and the current power, but it depends on the individual smart meter, which data are accessible via SML interface.
The Scripting Language of Tasmota (Scripting Language - Tasmota) makes it super easy to process the data and send it to any web server. Here is an example to send the data directly to an emoncms instance (emoncms.org works too).
=>sensor53 r
if upsecs%10==0
and *sml[1]* != 0
=>WebSend %url%/input/post?node=SML&fulljson={"Power":%sml[3]%,"Grid":%sml[1]%,"Feedin":%sml[2]%}&apikey=%key%
>M 1
Just add your apikey and the suitable script part for your smart meter, that’s it.
@TrystanLea and @glyn.hudson Maybe this would be a nice addition to your webshop? Smart meters are steadily spreading and the beauty of it is that it all works without any work on the electrical system.