Raspberry Pi 5 with image emonSD-01Feb24 menu item Admin/System Information/PI and the Reboot, Shutdown buttons are missing

Raspberry Pi 5 with image emonSD-01Feb24.zip 32-bit Based on Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit Bookworm) I noticed that the menu item Admin/System Information/PI and the Reboot, Shutdown buttons are missing.
This is how it looks on my Raspberry Pi 3, on the Raspberry Pi 5 this item is completely missing.

I am aware that the Raspberry Pi 5 is not officially supported yet, an installation with EmonScripts emoncms installation script caused the same problem.

Server Information

Server Information


  • emonhub :- Active Running

  • emoncms_mqtt :- Active Running

  • feedwriter :- Active Running - sleep 300s 1041 feed points pending write

  • service-runner :- Active Running

  • redis-server :- Active Running

  • mosquitto :- Active Running

  • emonPiLCD :- Inactive loaded inactive dead

  • emoncms_sync :- Inactive loaded inactive dead

  • demandshaper :- Not found or not installed



  • CPU :- Cortex-A76 | 1 Threads(s) | - Sockets(s) | 108,00MIPS |
  • OS :- Linux 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-v8
  • Host :- emonpi5 | emonpi5 | (
  • Date :- 2024-09-17 09:04:23 CEST
  • Uptime :- 09:04:23 up 3 days, 8:55, 0 user, load average: 0,26, 0,19, 0,18


  • RAM :- Used: 12,67%
    • Total :- 3.9 GB
    • Used :- 505.88 MB
    • Free :- 3.4 GB
  • Swap :- Used: 0,00%
    • Total :- 200 MB
    • Used :- 0 B
    • Free :- 200 MB


  • **** :- - / :- Used: 27,93%
    • Total :- 14.69 GB
    • Used :- 4.1 GB
    • Free :- 9.91 GB
    • Read Load :- 105.26 B/s
    • Write Load :- 621.52 B/s
    • Load Time :- 23 days 16 hours 2 mins
  • /boot/firmware :- Used: 18,64%
    • Total :- 509.99 MB
    • Used :- 95.05 MB
    • Free :- 414.94 MB
    • Read Load :- n/a
    • Write Load :- n/a
    • Load Time :- n/a
  • /var/opt/emoncms :- Used: 0,04%
    • Total :- 43.32 GB
    • Used :- 16.73 MB
    • Free :- 41.1 GB
    • Read Load :- 2.71 B/s
    • Write Load :- 79.68 B/s
    • Load Time :- 23 days 16 hours 2 mins
  • /var/log :- Used: 7,92%
    • Total :- 50 MB
    • Used :- 3.96 MB
    • Free :- 46.04 MB
    • Read Load :- n/a
    • Write Load :- n/a
    • Load Time :- n/a


  • Server :- Apache/2.4.61 (Raspbian) HTTP/1.1 CGI/1.1 80


  • Version :- 10.11.3-MariaDB-1+rpi1
  • Host :- (
  • Date :- 2024-09-17 09:04:23 (UTC 02:00‌​)
  • Stats :- Uptime: 291320 Threads: 19 Questions: 1594460 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 155 Open tables: 145 Queries per second avg: 5.473


  • Version :-
    • Redis Server :- 7.0.15
    • PHP Redis :- 6.0.3-dev
  • Host :- localhost:6379
  • Size :- 1390 keys (1.40M)
  • Uptime :- 3 days

MQTT Server

  • Version :- Mosquitto 2.0.11
  • Host :- localhost:1883 (


  • Version :- 8.1.29 (Zend Version 4.1.29)
  • Run user :- User: www-data Group: www-data video Script Owner: pi
  • Modules :- apache2handler calendar Core ctype curl date exif FFI fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv json libxml mbstring mosquitto v0.4.0mysqli mysqlnd vmysqlnd 8.1.29openssl pcre PDO pdo_mysql Phar posix readline redis v6.0.3-devReflection session shmop sockets sodium SPL standard sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer Zend OPcache zlib
Client Information

Client Information


  • Browser :- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0
  • Language :- de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3


  • Size :- 1903 x 940


  • Resolution :- 1920 x 1080

Greetings from the Black Forest (Germany)