PZEM-004T-V3.0 module data logging using EmonESP and EMONCMS


The PZEM-004T-V3.0 (PZEM-004T V3 Module | Arduino & NodeMCU Code, Circuit, Pinout And Library) module measures voltage, current, power, energy, frequency, Power factor and outputs it over UART bus using Modbus protocol, which is read using a simple Arduino sketch (Arduino Pro mini used) and then sent over serial output to an emonEsp (running on wemos d1 mini) using the UART Input method mentioned on the emonesp GitHub, which then feeds the data to a local emoncms instance. (I’m not a programmer maybe it can be done using just the esp8266 but this works fine for me )
Thing to Do:

  1. Add an Oled display to show Voltage and Power.
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