Pulse sensor RPI directly

Short answer - yes - I have one running. Sure I have posted about it, but no time to search. Been running since June 2020.

I used an adapter (from Amazon) as the sensor had an RJ45 on it (from the OEM Shop). Emoncms It is just emonhub install, not a full emoncms (buth that should work) running on a PiZeroW.

I use this emonhub interfacer but I think @TrystanLea posted that this was being deprecated.

Ah better - I’ve not looked at this in quite a long time (Feb 21) so will be using a very old version of emonhub!!! emonhub/conf/interfacer_examples/Pulse at master · openenergymonitor/emonhub · GitHub

This is my config.

    Type = EmonHubPulseCounterInterfacer
        pulse_pin = 15
        bouncetime = 5
        # Rate_limit is the rate at which the interfacer will pass data
        # to emonhub for sending on. Too short and pulses will be missed.
        # rate_limit is minimum number of seconds between data output.
        # pulses are accumulated in this period.
        # rate_limit default to 2.
        rate_limit = 5
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,

        nodeoffset = 3