Pulse Count - How to accumulate two kWh figures for Economy Seven Smart Meter?

Hi, I’ve recently had a smart meter fitted. I’ve fitted a pulse counter to the (single) Wh LED and fed it into the EmonTx3 pulse input. I’ve set up a feed to accumulate a single kWh figure, what I really need is two separate kWh figures, one for low tariff (12:00pm - 7:00am) the other for high tariff (7:00am - 12:00pm).
I can see there are ‘Schedule’ commands that can be used with the feeds, the comments showing these can be used for different tariffs, but are there any examples of how to use these as there use is not exactly obvious.
I already have problems with the EMON system (e.g. dozens of spurious inputs that don’t actually exist !!!) and don’t want to risk screwing it up completely by playing around with the schedules to try and get economy seven kWh accumulators working by trial and error.
Any help with this would be very welcome.


Have you searched for “Economy 7”? There are a few posts that might help. this one looks useful:

Caveat: I’m no emonCMS expert.

Many thanks for your reply. Yes I had searched for Economy 7 but hadn’t come up with much of use for some reason. The link you provided has given me some examples of using schedules so I can be a bit more confident on how to use them. I’ll give it a try over the weekend.


I’ve done something similar for Octopus Go, to monitor import during the off peak vs peak periods.
Basically set up a schedule for off peak and peak - and then use the test for “in off peak schedule” in the process flow and log value to relevant feed. Then reset the input value to original and test again using the next schedule etc. (I guess you could only set up one schedule and just use Not in Schedule or In Schedule)

(Note, because I have solar - I have to subtract the solar reading from my use reading to get an calculated import, as I’m using two clamps - one on house consumption and one on the solar feed)

That’s brilliant, thanks for posting your feed description, I’ll let you know how I get on.
