I set up a new emoncms on a Raspberry Pi, and I copied my old database to it.
Now I have a problem. Inputs which comes from a http post are not processed by “publish to mqtt” in the process list.
Only mqtt-inputs are published to the mqtt brooker.
My question now, is there something changed over the time in emoncms that it is not more provided? In my old emoncms version it was working.
What I would like to add:
When I use for example the command on the same Inputs ID it is working.
mosquitto_pub -u ‘emonpi’ -P ‘emonpimqtt2016’ -t ‘emon/2/T_Carport’ -m ‘21.8’
The error seems, that the “publish to myqtt” trigger in the processlist is not activated by posting it from a http post.
Yesterday I installed the current emoncms on my laptop. I wanted to know if there is the same issue, but no it is working properly on my laptop. When I have time I will setup a new Raspberry installation, and hope it is then fixed.