It looks like this topic was previously covered, but has now been archived. (1)(2)(3)
I have a very simple python script on a computer with an rtl-sdr dongle using rtlamr to filter out my gas meter’s amr broadcast and pass the value to enomcms.
The value is consumption in cubic feet for the life of the meter.
So for example, the calls I make to enomcms over the rest endpoints are like:
I am also looking exactly for this function!
Is it possible to create a virtual feed, that takes the energy value (in kWh) of 12/03/2018 00:00 and subtract the feed value from 11/03/2018 00:00
Thanks for help!
I’m not sure that I’m doing this correctly, but, what i’ve done is set up my node1 input to log to feed and then add to an accumulator. (I used the wh accumulator, probably should have just used a regular accumulator). This will create a feed that keeps track of the delta between the gas readings.
Then, I use this value to calculate the BGS (cost of gas) and DEL (delivery) charges as their own virtual feeds and add them together as a final Cost feed:
One thing I could really use help with is making the rtlamr process more bulletproof.
I found a great guide about using rtlarm as a systemd service and I can get rtl-sdr working as a service, however, I can NOT get my python script working as a service on either the enomcms image or a secondary raspberry pi 3 running raspbian stretch.
I get failures about policy kit, which I’ve installed, etc, but just can’t get it to run my script as a service.