i have make a own board with the source of emonTX.
This have an Arduino Nano, ESP interface to ESP8266-Lua, connectors for 4x CT’s and Pulsecounter-input.
The ACAC-VRMS-Measurment is with a built-in ACAC-Transformer onboard.
I have flashed the Arduino with the 3phase-PLL firmware 1.3 and the last firmware for the EmonESP from Github.
The EmonTX works great and the Calibration i make without problems.
When i take the Serialout in the Firmware, i have in the ArduinoIDE in Serial-Monitor the right data output. I can calibrate and safe to eeprom.
When i’m take in Firmware
//#define SERIALOUT
#define EMONESP
then i see in Serialmonitor the right data for an input to the EmonESP. The Values are right too.
Now when i’m take the EmonESP on the Board, the data may corrupt , i can see on the EmonESP-Homepage, that the EmonTX give out the list of calibration an the a line Saving. now the data in the EEprom on the emontx are corrupt and i musst make the calibration new.
After 3 Times i have the calibration take directly in the Firmware and restore the EEPROM over the serial interface. that works, but when i take the Emonesp on the arduino, the Data gone corrupt, so i have removed the line EMONESP_RX->EMONTX_TX and the data in the EmonTX never changed when the EmonESP is on the EMONTX.
But now i have a new problem, the Data how send the EmonESP are not right. I have a voltage of 235V and the EmonPi become from EmonESP a Voltage of 175V.
Why is so?
When you need more info, let me know, I will give you the infos.