Problems with Homebrew EmonTX, EmonESP and EmonPi


i have make a own board with the source of emonTX.
This have an Arduino Nano, ESP interface to ESP8266-Lua, connectors for 4x CT’s and Pulsecounter-input.
The ACAC-VRMS-Measurment is with a built-in ACAC-Transformer onboard.
I have flashed the Arduino with the 3phase-PLL firmware 1.3 and the last firmware for the EmonESP from Github.

The EmonTX works great and the Calibration i make without problems.
When i take the Serialout in the Firmware, i have in the ArduinoIDE in Serial-Monitor the right data output. I can calibrate and safe to eeprom.

When i’m take in Firmware
//#define SERIALOUT
#define EMONESP

then i see in Serialmonitor the right data for an input to the EmonESP. The Values are right too.

Now when i’m take the EmonESP on the Board, the data may corrupt , i can see on the EmonESP-Homepage, that the EmonTX give out the list of calibration an the a line Saving. now the data in the EEprom on the emontx are corrupt and i musst make the calibration new.
After 3 Times i have the calibration take directly in the Firmware and restore the EEPROM over the serial interface. that works, but when i take the Emonesp on the arduino, the Data gone corrupt, so i have removed the line EMONESP_RX->EMONTX_TX and the data in the EmonTX never changed when the EmonESP is on the EMONTX.

But now i have a new problem, the Data how send the EmonESP are not right. I have a voltage of 235V and the EmonPi become from EmonESP a Voltage of 175V.

Why is so?

When you need more info, let me know, I will give you the infos.


Here is the Serial-Log from EmonESP when TX and RX are connected?
Why send the ESP, data and saving the EEprom?:

<script src=“”></script>

From what you write, your emonTx is working correctly.

It is only possible to change the values in EEPROM by sending to it data that it interprets as an instruction to change the calibration, e.g.
k 2 90.9 1.56
followed by
to instruct it to save the configuration.
Therefore, the device that you have connected must be sending those messages, and that is wrong.

I do not have an ESP8266, therefore I do not know what it does. I believe @Simsala does use those, and he might be able to help you.

Please post your log here. I never look at information like that which people post on other websites, and if that website closes down, nobody will know what it was that you put there.

Nach dem, was Sie schreiben, funktioniert Ihr emonTx korrekt. Es ist nur möglich, die Werte im EEPROM zu ändern, indem Daten gesendet werden, die er als Anweisung zum Ändern der Kalibrierung interpretiert, z. "k 90,9 1,56" gefolgt von `` s`` um die Konfiguration zu speichern. Daher muss das Gerät, das Sie angeschlossen haben, diese Nachrichten senden, und das ist falsch. Ich habe kein ESP8266, daher weiß ich nicht, was es bewirkt. Ich glaube, @Simsala verwendet diese und er könnte Ihnen vielleicht helfen.

Bitte posten Sie Ihr Log hier. Ich schaue mir niemals Informationen an, die die Leute auf anderen Websites veröffentlichen, und wenn diese Website geschlossen wird, weiß niemand, was Sie dort platziert haben.

Thanks for your answer @Robert.Wall

Thats what a would to know, why the ESP send this. I don’t find any ‘serialprint’ instructions about this.
Now i have disconnect the line ESP-RX → Emontx-TX line and it works.

And i have find the issue, about the different values.
When i’m calibrate the Emontx the power voltage was from the USB from my PC and that was a voltage about 4,5V. With the powersupply in the cabinet it has a voltage of 4,978V. This voltage is the Voltage of the voltage divider for the measurements. When this is different, the Calibration is different