Planning a new system, advice needed


Not so great!! :slight_smile:

Yes thats exactly what I am calling to get at least the basic site/install data.

The documentation for the API can be found here;

Then I call that endpoint with my creds I get back the following;

	"details": {
		"id": <mysiteid>,
		"name": "<my name>",
		"accountId": <theaccountid>,
		"status": "Active",
		"peakPower": 4.05,
		"lastUpdateTime": "2016-08-25",
		"installationDate": "2015-11-09",
		"notes": "",
		"type": "Optimizers & Inverters",
		"location": {
			"country": "United Kingdom",
			"city": "...",
			"address": "...",
			"address2": "",
			"zip": "...",
			"timeZone": "Europe/London",
			"countryCode": "GB"
		"primaryModule": {
			"manufacturerName": "JA solar",
			"modelName": "JAP6-60-265/MP",
			"maximumPower": 265.0,
			"temperatureCoef": -0.33
		"uris": {
			"DATA_PERIOD": "/site/<mysiteid>/dataPeriod",
			"OVERVIEW": "/site/<mysiteid>/overview",
			"DETAILS": "/site/<mysiteid>/details"
		"publicSettings": {
			"isPublic": false

@lake: You may be interested in the new app I’m developing for emonCMS. I started hacking on it last night and this is how far I’ve got:

The idea being that you can see how much of your solar is going to the house and how much to the immersion. I am finding the My Solar PV app to be not quite what I want because the usage stats include the immersion usage.

I’ve created a pull request so anyone can grab the app and hack along / use it while I’m developing it:


Great work I will keep an eye on the project.

I have now received my OEM hardware and have just installed, so now looking at the SolarEdge feed import. Have you got far looking at this yet?


Not quite. I’ve been given a new API key today, but I haven’t been at my laptop to try it yet. I will do later. Then I’ll take a look at making a NodeRED node for it.

I think this topic is now heading a bit off topic (and specific to our setups) (ps: I added you on linkedin if you want to pick up off forum)

For the feed I was wondering what your thoughts were regarding the integration. Would you create a new input that would have to be real-time and then use emoncms feeds to aggregate the data, or, import the data directly into a feed. I would assume that latter would allow historic (older data) to be imported into emoncms with specific timestamps if required? For example if the interface is down for a period of time for some reason.

The latter approach is how I interfaced my old system into pvoutput. The logic was to read the last recorded values in pvoutput, then read the energy monitor data (not OEM) then post the new data to the pvoutput feeds. This allowed interfacing to be broken (comms issues for example) and when communication resumed data caught up.