Traduction par Google:
Si vous traduisez le message par Trystan Lea Emoncms v11 stable release il y a une partie qui se lit (en anglais)
Large change to PHPFina, PHPTimeSeries and MysqlTimeSeries feed engine implementation providing a single method for requesting feed data with options to specify returning the result as fixed interval, timezone aligned daily, weekly, monthly, annual, with or without averaging and output formats json or csv.
Je pense que cela dit que Emoncms Fixed Interval Time Series sans sélectionner la moyenne (lorsque vous dessinez le graphique) est identique à PHPfina - PHP fixed interval (timeseries) no averaging [pas de moyenne].
If you translate the post by Trystan Lea there is a part which reads (in English) ... I think this says that Emoncms Fixed Interval Time Series without selecting averaging (when you draw the graph) is the same as PHPfina.