Hi all, I’m having a problem getting this ethernet gateway to work with the Openevse v5.5.
The unit seemed to upload the firmware ok and since then, when connected to my computer the red led is steady and the green flashes. When connected to the openevse I have the red led but no green. Is there a way to check the flashing/operation of the Olimex board from my computer ?
The LEDs don’t mean anything. The best thing to do is to check the serial output, this can be done when the gateway is connected to your computer.
Thanks. How do I do that ? Is there a program I need ?
Any serial console should work, you could try Serial Monitor
I couldn’t get my head round the serial console thing! so I plugged it in with an external power source (laptop usb) just on wifi (for now) and it works. Slight issue is that it doesn’t respond to any changes I make in the UI often saying "…failed ". Any ideas what would cause this ? Poor wifi signal ?
Tomorrow I will drag an ethernet cable out there and see how that works before a proper install.
Received and fitted a dc convertor so the olimex board is now supplied via the 12v feed from the openevse module instead of an external power source (was my laptop just for testing). It seems to be working but still no ability to charge the car. I have noticed that the UI is different to the UI that is used by the openevse wifi board and looks like an older version of the UI so I was wondering if a firmware update would solve my problem ? Can I do that from the UI ?
It shows as “active” and vehicle connected. I have unlocked and disconnected/reconnected the car several times to make sure the car is “awake” but still no charge. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Yes, that is the older UI. However, you should still be able to charge the car. The WiFi / Ethernet module does not control communication with the vehicle. You should still be able gto change your car with the WiFi / Ethernet module unplugged. If you can’t, this indicates a possible issue with the cable or EVSE controller? Or there is a timer set on the vehicle itself?
Yes there is a timer set and when I’ve been messing with it trying to connect it often goes to 01/01/1970, 12 o’clock, so the controller time could be anywhere.
How do I update the UI, can I do it over the wifi or do I need to take it back out and use ESPtool via usb ?
Update to the new GUI version, will need to be done via ESPtool for the Ethernet module, subsequent updates can be done via the UI: https://github.com/OpenEVSE/openevse_esp32_firmware/releases/tag/v5.1.2
I’ve been trying to use esptool.py --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash 0x10000 olimex_esp32-gateway-f.bin
after having downloaded and extracted “openevse_esp32_firmware-master” to Downloads but it can’t find the file and when I search the extracted directory I can’t find any .bin files. What am I doing wrong ?
I’m on Ubuntu 24.04
Check the filename is named olimex_esp32-gateway-f.bin
and that you’re running esptool from the same directory as the bin file.
Yes I am in the same directory (Downloads) but I can’t find olimex_esp32-gateway-f.bin in the folder “openevse_esp32_firmware-master”
I suppose what I am asking is where do I find this file ?
P.S. The file is called the above name in the command I copied from Stoplight:
esptool.py --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash 0x10000 olimex_esp32-gateway-f.bin
but maybe it’s not right ?
Found it eventually through a direct download link in another post! Not easy to find though…
Hi Glyn,
Sorry to keep going on about this and thank-you for the help given already but I’m still not getting this to work. It’s the Olimex ethernet gateway card which I’m trying to set up and although it lights up red and green leds and puts out a wifi AP signal I can’t use wifi so I need the ethernet to work. I have dragged a cable (about 25 metres long) out to where the unit is and checked the cable works with my laptop but when plugged into the Olimex card there are no leds on the rj45 socket and obviously no ethernet connection showing on the Openevse UI.
Using esptool I have flashed the file mentioned in a previous post and it reported success but still no joy with the ethernet connection. What do you think might be wrong ? Or how can I trace the problem ?
Any help much appreciated,
Hi and Happy New Year ! I’ve come back round to this ethernet gateway finally and I have got a serial console running and the output shows E (713) Esp_core_dump_flash : no core dump partition found !
Any idea what is wrong ?
The olimex card is just connected to the laptop, nothing else.
Update: The board is now working on wifi, the next step is to try ethernet.
Ethernet works also ( !! ) for which I was planning on installing a permanent cable as the wifi has been nothing but trouble, pretty much unuseable, but, and I’m crossing my fingers here, this board has worked flawlessly on wifi for 3 days since i got it set up properly so I might not need a cable installed which which would be a flipping bonus after the hours and hours I have spent on this.
I would like to find the time to create some sort of tutorial for the people like me who are going into this with very little knowledge about flashing and programming chips etc. I searched for hours on end and didn’t find anything for the newbie.
Edit: for anyone else who has wifi problems, for now I have only installed the earlier firmware and I will leave it like that for a week or two until I am sure it is working reliably. Then I will update to the new FW and if it then goes wrong I’ll know what caused it. The two wifi boards that I have used in the past were both running a recent/current FW version so in theory it could have been something to do with that.
New firmware updated several days ago and all working fine.
One strange thing: I realised that on first set-up I had actually installed the Openevse FW (not the Olimex FW). It worked fine though. When I updated the FW I made sure to install the Olimex version but in Serial Console it shows the "No core dump flash, No core partition " error. I wiped and reflashed a couple of times and still had this error. I retried the Openevse FW and with that FW, the error is not there.
Finally I reflashed with Olimex FW and tried the unit in the charger and all seems to work fine despite the error…