Looking back, I’m not sure I understand that first bit - what calibration data where? AFAIK there isn’t a console on the Agile App - so maybe it’s important to know what you’re referring to here.
And do you have a link to the thread you mention? Might be worth us reading that to see if it sheds any light. (EDIT - I think you’re referring to this - Python script to import Octopus Agile consumption data into emoncms - #15 by ian - in which case, yes, if solarpv is being graphed, it appears it’s a known limitation that’s in @TrystanLea’s hands to resolve sometime).
Anyone know where the settings for this app are actually stored? In the DB? Or in a config file? I scoured my directory-structure but found nothing yet - I’m wondering if the solar feed can be removed from the app’s purview that way, maybe?