That’s true - but why I don’t know. Trystan never seemed keen to adopt it despite asking me to get the emonPi to do CM - and with JeelibClassic, about 40% of the radio data from ONE remote emonTx got through.
I think all the instructions you need for the ‘Native’ format all round are in the link @rupert gave you above, you need a programmer and a computer, or I believe you could even load all the sources into the emonPi, compile and upload using that - but you’d be doing it essentially by remote control, and I can’t tell you how because I’ve only done it to get the ‘Native’ software into the RFM12Pi and the CM sketch into the emonPi front end, never to go to an emonTx/TH plugged into the Pi. I think you’d either have to drive the Arduino IDE using the command line (even if that’s possible) or use platfromio which I refuse to touch, so I still can’t tell you how.
Nobody’s mentioned that there’s no technical reason why your emonTxs and emonTHs can’t use LPL - though it stands to hammer the battery life in the THs.
What are you using ordinarily to replace the iMac?
If you want to stick with Jeelib Native firmware on your emonTx3s and emonTHs I don’t think you have to do anything to them as you say it’s on them already. - ‘just’ put the emonPi back to emonPi CM Jeelib Native firmware.
I think that if you can log in to the emonPi using SSH, transfer the compiled CM Jeelib Native firmware hex file onto the emonPi using scp (Linux), you can then use avrdude to program the atmega328 via ttyAMA0. This is a bit like how Setup/Admin/Firmware does it. I don’t know if there are instructions how to do this in the Docs somewhere?
Note that you need a OEM version of avrdude as you need to use GPIO Pin 4 (BCM) as the DTR reset pin. This might be installed already to do the firmware upgrades from the admin page?
I just fired it up, but sadly not, nor the Arduino IDE I used to update the emontx3’s. I must have wiped/reinstalled it. It was, after all, a 2007 iMac.
The battery consumption is enough to deter me, thanks.
Not sure I understand the Q, but it is 2 iMacs and a MacBook Pro ago…And I just can’t bear to chuck it out
It is also possible to compile and upload the emonPi firmware (Instructions need to be added here on how to compile and upload directly on an emonPi).
Although as Rupert points out, the emontx’s and emonth’s should be ok already, it’s just the pi that needs the old library back.
One question I’m still struggling with: I’m 99% certain I never updated the emonpi firmware to anything other than a standard release. So how did I get this Jeelib Native firmware there in the first place?
I don’t know either!
If your emonTxs and emonTHs are really using Robert’s CM firmware using Jeelib Native RF format, then you would need the corresponding firmware on the emonPi to receive it.
Just to be sure, have you checked the serial output of an emonTx3 or emonTH to see if it says what the firmware is?
You will need to make sure that the serial connections and supply voltage on the serial to USB adapter match those of the emonTx3 otherwise ‘sparks may fly and the magic smoke may escape’ …
I am assuming that you know what to do as you say that you’ve done it before …
I don’t want you to damage anything, including your self!
Thanks! I did it before via the Arduino IDE, I need to set up the environment again, and my old iMacs aren’t supported any more. Found the cable though
emonTH FW: V324
No EEPROM config
Int RFM...
RFM Started
Node: 24 Freq: 433Mhz Network: 210
Int SI7021..
SI7021 Started, ID: 21
SI7021 t: 21.00
SI7021 h: 60.44
No DS18B20
I’m not sure what V324 means (perhaps 3.2.4?), the current options in Admin/Update/Firmware for emonth2 are both 4.1.5, but only for LPL or JeeLib Classic, not JeeLib Native.
But I’d linked to all that way back up the thread!
emonTx V3.4 EmonLibCM Continuous Monitoring V0.10 signifies that it was indeed a development version, I’m reasonably sure that it’s release successor will be this: (71.4 KB)
emonTH V3.2.4 was a prior version of this: (54.8 KB)
(It is listed in the “Changes”)
I think I tried to explain this above too. Does nobody read what I’m writing?
where firmware_version = 1.0.0 where this is the first release
Looking at the emonTx3.4 code for JeeLib Classic and discrete sampling, the setup greeting is:
where the current version is 3.4, although there were previous versions starting at 1.1
Looking at the emonTx3.4 code for continuous monitoring and a choice of JeeLib Classic, JeeLib Native or LPL (by a #define statement) the setup greeting is:
Sorry @Robert.Wall, I did read it and understood that no further development would be done on JeeLib native, which is entirely acceptable. What I find less so is that my (I think) ‘responsibly’ doing updates to emonSD and emonsms leads one (me) into a non-working system and an apparent cul-de-sac .
The emontx3CM V0.10 would indeed have been a development version, which I willingly tested for you. It worked perfectly, without any significant dropouts for - well - ever. I can’t remember the last time I had to reboot a tx3. I am certain that the data format didn’t change for the production version, so I saw no need to update it. It just worked.
But surely it’s not the emontx3 or emonth that’s the problem? The ONLY thing I have essentially changed to a system that has been happily and reliably working for several years is the emonpi firmware. All I would like to do is have the opportunity to get it back.