Newbie - hardware question

And as another new Sharky 775 owner (thanks to those already using, and reporting on their implementation), my meter came with address 76 already selected.

[BTW, I misread Mick’s message above as saying the parameter “Primary Address” was set to the value “1”, and I was about to message asking how that related to address being 25. Doh!

He is of course actually saying the parameter “Primary Address 1” has a setting of 25, as will appear in menu rotation 3. Becomes more sensible when you appreciate the M-bus concept of a device having two addresses on which it will respond. I know that now.]

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Another Sharky 775 snippet for folks that get stuck.

The mbus connections only work one way around. You can’t flip these as you won’t get any data.

I found this after having it all working on my desk, then having it stop reading when I recabled it when putting it in into the final destination. A bit of head scratching and then flipping the mbus connections at one end sorted that.

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A Sharky 775 question.

What is the difference between the two fields:

  • sharky775_Power
  • sharky775_heat_calc

The outputs seem very close to each other, but not always the same.

Which one should we use for the heat output field in the Heatpump App?

I know you’ve swapped out the Sharky but did you ever figure out which one is the right one to use?

sharky775_Power seems to be the one that appears on the display so I’m currently using that one.

I’ve always used _Power. Like you say it matches the display. I’ve no idea what Heat_calc could be and the original comms data sheet I linked to ages ago above has gone dead link.