Zero design skills
Cannot figure out how to embed a weather widget, and a clock for my local time
any tips on doing that will be appreciated
Zero design skills
Cannot figure out how to embed a weather widget, and a clock for my local time
any tips on doing that will be appreciated
Hello @Ashipa
Nice dashboard! Emoncms dashboards havent had much work in terms of ongoing development for a long time, so it can be a bit limited in terms of what is possible.
Can you copy the html embed code for the weather widget in place of the text > paragraph widget?
I’ve tried that but it won’t save
It appears that it doesn’t accept any embed that has code running inside it
see for example:
<div id="id4007442894b4f" a='{"t":"s","v":"1.2","lang":"en","locs":[1453],"ssot":"c","sics":"ds","cbkg":"#FFFFFF","cfnt":"#000000","slgp":"5","sdr":"tb"}'>Weather Data Source: <a href="">30 days London weather</a></div><script async src=""></script>
Ah ok, sorry it is a bit limited in what can be done. Is this on or on self install?
If it’s a self install you could always try disabling AntiXSS here which filters this kind of thing for security.
How exactly do i do that?
tried editing the AntiXSS.php file, and also tried moving it, but it doesn’t appear to have had an effect
Hello @Ashipa just tried this here and it did seem to work ok with your example above, though there seems to be a configuration issue with the widget code you shared?
public function set_content($userid, $id, $_content, $height)
$userid = (int) $userid;
$id = (int) $id;
$height = (int) $height;
// sudo apt-get install php-mbstring
if (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding")) {
$axdir = "Modules/dashboard/AntiXSS/php5";
require_once "$axdir/Bootup.php";
require_once "$axdir/UTF8.php";
require_once "$axdir/AntiXSS.php";
$antiXss = new AntiXSS();
$nbsp_placeholder = "<!-- START-NON-BREAKING-SPACE --> <!-- END-NON-BREAKING-SPACE -->";
$_content = str_replace(' ',$nbsp_placeholder,$_content);
$content = htmlspecialchars_decode($antiXss->xss_clean($_content));
$_content = htmlspecialchars_decode($_content);
if ($content!=$_content) return array('success'=>false, 'message'=>'Error: Invalid dashboard content, content not saved');
// re-instate the character once all XSS tests are complete
$content = str_replace($nbsp_placeholder,' ',$content);
} else {
$content = $_content;
That worked.
Thank you very much. just made my day brighter