I came across OpenEnergyMonitor at the fullychargedlive show.
I have been looking to build a data logger from an arduino and with limited time never got to a finished project. I have a fair amount of experience with electronic design and manufacture and coding is a hobby.
I have to say what these have achieved is very impressive and i want to buy in!
My primary goal is to datalog my ground source heat pump system. I have a lot of experience in the design and installation of heat pumps if anyone needs advice.
Items i wish to log:
*Ground Flow Temp
*Ground Rtn Temp
*Heating Flow Temp
*Heating Rtn Temp
*Heat pump kW (Have bad experience of clamp meters giving very large deviations without a powerfactor, so i already have a energy meter with a pulse output installed, I see this system can use a AC-AC adaptor to correct the power factor, is this accurate or should i use the pulse from my energy meter?)
*Heat meter (Kamstrup, Pulse or Modbus)
I notice the HeatPump project that had hardware specifically for the above is not active in the shop any more.
Is the Heatpump project running?
Can the EmonPi handle the above?
On the web interface i would like to display custom calculations such as COP?
Is there a neat way to measure copper pipe temperatures with the supplied thermocouples?
Can the pulse from my meter be used in place of the light pulse sensor input?
Must you have a clamp sensor to calculate COP, or can the light / pulse input from a meter be used over time?
The next step in terms of the development of the heat pump monitoring project is to integrate the MBUS meter in our next generation hardware based on the STM32, that will make the heatpump monitoring feature set available as a standard option, and pre-assembled rather than kit form but it is still someway off.
I have the throughhole kit running on my ASHP and its working well reading from a Sontex Multical 531 MBUS heat meter.
Can the EmonPi handle the above?
The EmonPi cant interface with the heat meter unfortunately but can do CT based electricity input measurement, temperature sensing and pulse counting.
On the web interface i would like to display custom calculations such as COP?
We have a heatpump monitor dashboard that integrates the calculation of COP. It’s available in emoncms > Apps > My Heatpump and looks like this:
Received the kit yesterday! Looking forward to getting it built up.
Question @TrystanLea. On the shop page for the kit there is a photo of an enclosure.
I assume the board was made to fit a standard enclosure, can i get a link for where to get one please?
One of the down sides of the case design is that its fiddly getting at the terminals when your connecting everything up. Other users have mounted the board in their own enclosure, something like:
might be worth considering? Otherwise if you send an email to our support email address we can create a custom order for an EmonTx case for you. I don’t unfortunately have the fascias at the moment.