Please correct me if I’m wrong but one metric not currently displayed, and one that could provide another angle when comparing heating performance across buildings is Heat Loss, but not just the Heat Loss at the design temperature, but the Current Heat Loss.
My heating demand projection design
However, the average demand in winter will be around 5kW.
Current Heat Loss Calculation
U value = 1.93 W/(m2*K)
Total Area = 184.87 m2
Delta_T = Current Room Temperature - Current Outdoor Temperature
Current Heat Loss Formula = U * A * Delta_T
Current Heat Loss = 1.93 * 184.87 * 0.6
Notes for comments
- What are your thoughts on the benefits, if any, of this indicator?
- That metric could also be added to the heatpumpmonitor website tables as one of additional fields to display.
- You could also consider adding option to provide current heat loss at the target thermostat temperature, but unless you’re using Home Assistant, it might not be feasible to pass on your current target thermostat temperature to EmonCMS.